A Message from Publications Chair, Tamira Lee-Brown

Happy Monday COALA Members:

The Spring season is upon us. The temperature is rising, leaves are no longer falling, flowers are budding, gatherings are occurring, bodies are metamorphosing for bikini season. Spring is full of transformations, as is COALA.

As COALA President Carol Bybee announced to the membership at the March luncheon, I have stepped down as COALA Publication Chair. I am also experiencing a season of personal and professional transformation with opportunities that require me to take a step back from the Chair responsibilities. As I step away, a wonderful opportunity has now become available for a member to provide fresh perspectives and ideas; a new life for COALA Corner and the Publication Committee…spring symbolizes new life!

A personal thank you to Laura Bennett for providing a summary of the Spring Seminar speakers for inclusion in this issue of COALA Corner.

A special thank you to all the Board Members and Committee Chairs who I have bounced ideas off and who have put up with my constant requests (“When speaking find the camera”; “Don’t lean into pictures, it looks creepy”; “Send me the information about the project you are working on”; “Review this write up I created from the information you sent me about the project you are working on”; “I am featuring you in the COALA Corner this quarter. You’re okay with that, right?”). THANK YOU!

As always, I look forward to hearing your feedback about COALA Corner (good or bad) and welcome your thoughts and ideas. Finally, if you are interested in stepping into the Publication Chair position, reach out to me.

COALA Corner, April 2019